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Here are some comments from people who attended our recent Port Stanley Festival Theatre performance (poster below):

  •  “This was the first time I have ever seen a live big band and I can tell you, now I understand why my parents generation loved this music and loved to dance with live big bands!

    My wife and I will certainly be coming back again!!
    This was truly an amazing performance! The vocals were also excellent!!
    Hats off to every member of the band for making this an afternoon to remember!

    Hope we can join you folks again!!!
    Thanks again for a wonderful time! You guys rock!!!!


  • “Great performance yesterday! You guys are good – solid, powerful, confident. I was really glad to be there.

    The little old ladies beside me basically came to hear the crooners that they were familiar with; then you guys just blew them away! They asked if you were professionals; I said that you were, but mostly in other fields and seldom make much money performing. 

    Others around me were abuzz; it was like they hadn’t heard a real big band before.”

Bandemic concert nov 25


The Stork Club is revived for 2 days in November, 2023!  Big Bandemic will bring back the Big Band style that was so well loved for decades at Port Stanley’s Stork Club for 2 shows on November 25, 2023.

Although there is not enough room for dancing, your toes will be tapping to the music that made singers like Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Michael Buble and so many others famous.  Imagine that greats like Count Basie and Glenn Miller were back in Port Stanley again! 

As a special treat, “The Crooners” (Rick Kish and Connor Boa) will be joining Big Bandemic on these shows; harkening back to those wonderful days of Big Band Music in Port Stanley!”